
9 Things Creatively Successful People Don’t Do

by Clay Mills
Nov 8, 2023

Creatively successful people have healthy mental habits. They not only have mastered their art, but they have learned to master their habits, attitudes, and emotions. They understand this mastery allows them more creative space in their mind and spirit. Check out these 9 things creatively successfully people don’t do so you too also become a master of your creativity and destiny.

1. Give their power away.

Creatively successful people don’t blame circumstances or other people if they are not having the success they feel they should be having. They rest all the responsibility for their success squarely on their own shoulders. They empower themselves and it drives their creativity to improve their art.

2. They don’t shy away from change. 

Creatively successful people don’t try to avoid change. They understand that change is inevitable and welcome it. They believe in their abilities to adapt.

3. They don’t waste valuable energy on things they can’t control. (One of the most important things creatively successful people don’t do!)

You won’t hear a creatively successful person sweating the small stuff. Traffic jams are just another opportunity to sit there and mentally work on their latest song or project. They understand energy is valuable and how you spend each second determines the quality of life and art.

4. They don’t expect quick results. 

Creatively successful people understand delayed gratification. That song they are working on may take days or months. That book they are re-writing may be a year off from completion. They keep their eye on the finish line and quitting when it seems far away is definitely something successful people don’t do.

5. They don’t fear alone time.

Creatively successful people understand to create on a high level means getting in touch with their inner voice. They welcome quiet time without distractions to be alone with their thoughts and ideas.

6. They don’t feel the world owes them.

Creatively successful people don’t feel it’s the world’s responsibility to get them or get their art. Instead, they look for opportunities to show the world what they are about. The people in self-reliance and self-responsibility for making things happen for them and their art.

7. They don’t resent the success of others.

Creatively successful people know there is enough space in the world for everyone to be happy and successful. They rejoice in others successes. They realize that lasting success requires hard work and dedication and applaud others for being dedicated and successful.

8. They don’t mind failing. 

Creatively successful people know that failure is essential to growing closer to their goals. They seem to adopt the motto “If I’m going to fall, I’m going to fall reaching.” It’s the process of falling and getting back up that spurs creativity to it’s highest levels

9. They don’t worry about pleasing everyone else.

Creatively successful people know you can’t please everyone all the time. They understand that being an artist often requires going against the grain of trends. They know that their job is to speak the truth and express the things that are too difficult for most people to express. Even if this means they displease those closest to them.

Write on! ~CM

Clay Mills

Clay Mills

Clay Mills is a 16-time ASCAP hit songwriter, producer, and performer. He is the co-founder of SongTown and has 2 Grammy nominations for “Beautiful Mess” by Diamond Rio and “Heaven Heartache” by Trisha Yearwood. Clay is also the co-author of Mastering Melody Writing and The Songwriter’s Guide To Mastering Co-writing.


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