
What If These Artist Had Said “I Only Create When I’m Inspired”

by Clay Mills
Aug 30, 2015

What If These Artist Had Said “I Only Create When I’m Inspired”

By: Clay Mills

Do you find yourself choosing to only writeåÊsongs when your inspired byåÊheartache or some other major life event? Here’s a quick list of some truly great art the world would never know if the artist had said, ‰ÛÏI only create when I‰Ûªm inspired, otherwise I will just be forcing it:‰Û   Michael Angelo spent four years painting the Sistine Chapel. He painted daily for years, embracing his work (labor). He didn‰Ûªt want to take the job at first because he considered himself a sculptor not a painter. But once he committed to the job, he didn‰Ûªt wait for inspiration to strike. He began and inspiration found him daily.   Monet painted the Japanese Bridge in his gardens at Giverny 71 times. He didn‰Ûªt wait until he felt inspired to paint the perfect version of this bridge. He painted it from different angles in different light all day long and let the work inspire him. I doubt he even thought to himself, “this one looks like the last 70!”

Mark Twain says it best, ‰ÛÏI wrote The Innocents Abroad in sixty days and I could have added a fortnight’s labor with the pen and gotten along without the letters altogether. I worked every night from eleven or twelve until broad daylight in the morning, and as I did 200,000 words in the sixty days, the average was more than 3,000 words a day- nothing for Sir Walter Scott, nothing for Louis Stevenson, nothing for plenty of other people, but quite handsome for me.‰Û Want to write an inspired song today? 200-300 words plus a melody‰Û_ piece of cake! Jump into the creative river and the current will carry you.   Write On! ~CM

Clay Mills

Clay Mills

Clay Mills is a 16-time ASCAP hit songwriter, producer, and performer. He is the co-founder of SongTown and has 2 Grammy nominations for “Beautiful Mess” by Diamond Rio and “Heaven Heartache” by Trisha Yearwood. Clay is also the co-author of Mastering Melody Writing and The Songwriter’s Guide To Mastering Co-writing.


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