Feb 21, 2023

Song starts are the latest Buzz word in the music industry but are they really a new thing? And when should you pitch them and not? Clay Mills & Marty Dodson give you the inside scoop from two multi-#1 songwriters.
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SongTown on Songwriting Podcast
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Clay & Marty’s 10-day video series will help you level-up your songs and finish them faster. CLICK HERE to begin!
SongTown Press Books:
Mastering Melody Writing : Check It Out
The Songwriter’s Guide To Mastering Co-Writing : Check It Out
Song Building: Mastering Lyric Writing : Check It Out

Clay Mills : Facebook : Instagram
Marty Dodson : Facebook : Instagram

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Email your song, song name, co-writer’s names & consent to [email protected]
Write Better Songs Faster
Songwriting Success is Clay & Marty's 10-day video series that will help you level-up your songs and finish them faster. Enter your email address to get started!